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How Incandescent light bulb works

How Incandescent light bulb works

30 July 2015

Incandescent light bulb, the second most used lamp in the world, is considered to be great source of electric light. The incandescent lamps work on a simple principle; it uses heat to produce light....
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Nicola Tesla - Famous Electrician

Nicola Tesla - Famous Electrician

28 July 2015

Serbian-American designer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made many leaps forward in the generation, transmission and utilization of electric force. He created the first exchanging current...
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Safe Use of Electricity - Electrical Safety Tips

Safe Use of Electricity - Electrical Safety Tips

22 July 2015

Carrying out your own electrical work, or employing an unlicensed person is very dangerous. There is a risk electrocution or to cause a fire.  It is additionally illegal for an unlicensed...
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How To Become An Electrician

How To Become An Electrician

21 July 2015

There are currently various employment opportunities for people who need to figure out how to become an electrician. This is on account of electricity is currently one of the significant things that...
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Facts You Should Know About William Gilbert

Facts You Should Know About William Gilbert

16 July 2015

William Gilbert is another name that is written in golden letters in the book of great scientists who have made contributions that were powerful enough to change the world. This English scientist was...
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