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Porcelain Insulators | Pin Insulators | Post Insulators

Porcelain Insulators | Pin Insulators | Post Insulators

Post insulators are the substitute for the conventional suspension or tension disc insulators and can be used as support for conductors on crossarms of transmission and distribution line poles. These porcelain insulators are recommended for polluted zones and areas prone to vandal damge. Even if a shed should break there will be little decrease in flashover voltage and power supply will not be disturbed. In addition the damaged insulator can be left in service and replaced conveiniently. 

Pin insulators
of One peice or Multipiece construction are widely used in low cost distribution lines. Multipiece construction makes these insulators less vulnerable to damage as with one shell broken a multipeice insulator can normally withstand the line voltage for a considerable time without difficulty. Two types of standard insulator pins, steel or lead head are available.


OTDS also offers a standardised package that includes all the necessary equipment for our clients HV solutions. Included are transformers, MV switchgear, surge arresters and LV pole mounted panels.

To enquire about our range of porcelain insulators please email enquiries@otds.co.uk


  • Excellent pollution performance especially atmospheric dirt. 
  • Natural cleaning by wind an rain.
  • Reliable mechanical strength.
  • Superior flashover characteristics
  • Totally puncture proof.
  • OTDS hold a large amount of stock for quick delivery.


  • Sub-transmission and distribution lines upto a system voltage of 66kV.
  • Clamp top and stub base options avaiable.

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