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The Most Common Causes of Electrical Accidents & Their Preventive Measures

17 August 2015

Unfortunately, our bodies are like metals and power cables; they are excellent conductors of electricity. This explains why electrical accidents are common in our homes and workplaces as long as electrical circuits are present. Essentially, accidents related to electricity often occur when we come in contact with electricity. Electricity may cause electrical shocks, especially when you place your finger on a high-voltage current carrying conductor, or as a result short-circuiting of the same circuit. In most occasions, electrical fires may also occur if the voltages are too high, hence causing burns, loss of life, or damage to the property. Fortunately, here are some of most common causes of electrical accidents and their respective preventive measures.


Misuse of Electrical Fixtures and Appliances

Fixtures and house appliances are the most common causes of electrical accidents in your home or at your workplace, especially when misused. For example, using a bulb with 100-watt in a 40-watt fixture can lead to melting of the wires of the fixture creating an electric shock to you and also may lead to an electrical fire. Likewise, the same danger may occur when you plug a cable into an adapter outlet that attaches into a bulb socket. However, to prevent electrical accidents caused by misuse of electrical fixtures and appliances, you should stop misusing appliances or avoid using any electrical devices that produce smokes, sparks, and buzzes, besides emitting sparks and shocks. Another preventive measure is to ensure you unplug your appliances before cleaning and you should not operate any electrical equipment or appliance while standing in water.


Wetness of Areas with Electrical Circuits

Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, and hence coming in contact with water while operating electrical equipment may result in serious electrical accidents such as electrical shocks, burns, and may lead to electrical fires in your home. Therefore, to avoid electrical accidents from wet areas you should fix ground-fault circuit interrupter in all your kitchens, bathrooms, outdoors, garages and in any other area around your home or workplace that can possibly get wet. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protects you from common electrical accidents such as fires or shocks that occur when electric currents come in contact with water, faulty wiring and any other ground-fault hazards.


Naked Cords and Plugs

Naked electrical cords and plugs are the most common cause’s fatal electrical accidents over years, using electrical cables that are not insulated, loose or exposing electric plugs and cords to water is very dangerous it may lead to burns, shocks or electrical fires. Therefore, to ensure you are safe from electrical shocks, burns and fires you should put in place preventive measures such as avoiding the use of naked plugs or cords. Also, replace any cord that is not insulated or has come loose from the plug never use a cord with that has been repaired with electrical tape. Extension cords such as surge protectors and power strips are the biggest crooks in the cord group; you should avoid using extension cords especially under the carpets or exposing them to water. Also, you should use the right cord for the right job to ensure that the cord’s capacity exceeds the demands of the appliances plugged into it.


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